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Introduction to My ProcessThis is an introduction to my wood steam bending process. It covers how I got started, Some of the items that I create, and the basic parts of my process.
My Steam Bending ProcessA demonstration of my steam bending process. I show how a great blue heron sculpture is steamed, bent and the glued into it's final shape.


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Steam-bent wooden creations are made using a special process that I have developed. It is similar to wooden boat building only with smaller objects. Sculptures are built from Oak or Walnut wood strips that are steam bent and then laminated and finished. The majority of my pieces are free-standing Great Blue Herons approximately 24 inches high. I also build larger herons, ducks , eagles and orcas. I have two-dimensional versions that can be framed and mounted on the wall like a painting.

Each piece is unique. Although they are created in the same molds, the individual wood strips which are laminated into animal shapes have different characteristics (eg. different species, grain patterns and colorations) and I sometimes vary the wood direction. Because of this each wood strips bend differently, and retain their shape differently. To a large extent, the wood decides what the final piece will look like.

When I retired in 2015 from years as a computer server engineer, I wanted to do something creative and build something unusual. Steam-bent wooden sculptures is the medium that I selected. I had been doing wood-working in my spare time for many years on many different, typical projects…nothing unusual. I saw a bent-wood sculpture in a gallery in eastern Canada about 10 years ago. I was impressed with the elegance and simplicity and upon examination determined that this was something that I could do. Since there were no instructions and I had seen nothing similar, I developed this process through trial and error and became able to create several types of sculptures.

The Steam Bending Process
The first step is to steam heat strips of wood until they can be easily bent. The steamer at left is a converted sauna steamer. The steam box at right can heat hardwood strips 38”long to above 200 degrees.
The heated strips are wound through a bending jig. Pictured above is a heron bending jig.

The bent strips are then laminated together using a special glue, clamps and presses. Pictured below is a heron in the gluing frame.
Glued Heron

Pictured above is a raw heron after gluing but before finishing.